Me2 Money

Saving money for a house. It's tough, but I will find a way to save $20,000 to $30,000 for a down payment. Follow my blog and see how I am doing. I set the goal and now I must take action.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The big report

Ok, I started this blog a few month ago with the goal of saving for a house. The idea would be that I would use alternative funds for this goal, meaning money not earned by working. It has been a challenge getting to my first goal of reaching the $1,000 mark, but I did it my bank account now has $1,000 towards the down payment on a house. I did this with selling some of my old stuff on auctions sites like Bidville and eBay and other creative means. I am enjoying the hot weather in Ontario Canada and will sleep a little better knowing I am only $29,000 short of the amount that I require. There is hope, I will keep everyone posted on the next $1,000 to be added. I think that giving the total every $1,000 seems like a good way for me to stay motivated. Well in other news I was told by a friend of mine in the US that he just got a great job by using a service I never heard of, so I thought I would pass this information for anyone looking for work. It's a service that sends out your resume to hundres of jobs. I though it was a great idea so here is the link.

Hyperblast your resume and target 100's of currently available jobs in one shot!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New Apple MacBook

I know that this blog is for ideas on how to save for a house, but I just had to share the news that the new Apple MacBook is now for sale. As a blogger this would be the best laptop to take on the road and blog from anywhere. I know right now the purchase of this laptop is just a dream for me, but perhaps others will buy it and post comments on their findings I can live through others that way and save my money. You can take a look at the MacBook follow link.

Introducing the super-fast, blogging, podcasting, 
do-everything-out-of-the-box MacBook.  Starting at just $1099

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Now that the cable is gone

So it has been a few weeks since I got rid of the cable. I felt the impact the first few days. I did not know what to do, reruns were calling my name. Well the first step was to get the rabbit ears up and tune into local stations. I was able to watch Prison Break, The Apprentice and the local news not bad. Now what about movies I found some great movies in the TV listing and left the VCR recording over night. It worked got a few movies to watch. The next step was trying to get more programs. I visited the libraries web site and ordered as many movies and TV shows as I could in one sitting. They have a system that will call when the movies are in stock and I can pick them up. It was a bit of a challenge, but with and some other online video services I was entertained and it cost me zero. I like spending zero and I know that this will have a great impact on my savings for the down payment on a house. I also got the free magazine that I ordered a few weeks ago. They arrived very quick and are great magazines.

Here is the link if anyone wants to order business and trade magazines. They also have a few home titles for free.

Free magazine Subscription click to order business and trade magazines

Friday, May 05, 2006

Free Business Magazines

As we all like free stuff, I found this link to get free business magazines. I know that the one thing that has helped me over come many obstacles is my enjoyment of reading. Every chance I get to read a book or magazine I try to find at least one point that I can take and use in my own life. I think this is a very important step to take to being successful.

Free Business Magazines

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Need more money

I have been trying to save every extra penny I can. It has been working, but I still need to come up with an extra $200 to $400 a month. I was thinking of a part time job or starting another business. It is not a very large amount so it would not be that hard to make up this amount. I have been thinking up a million and one ideas one has got to work. I am still on track just a few little set backs.